9 Ways To Network Easily
Some of the ideas that may be useful for networking are:
1. Join groups that are interested in membership. For example, if you do, join a group walk, if you like playing bridge on a bridge to enter the church to view gpuntoÈ member of the congregation. A group ofmadmen only on the network usually does not work.
2nd Volunteer to speak at events. We can talk in small groups and when we can talk more selective and large groups. Toastmasters is a great group working to improve their ability to speak, and another case.
3rd Writing articles. Is there anything that someone Calin an expert when you write an article about a specific topic. Articoliquelli are easy to write, if you love what you havei wrote. There are hundreds of publications, which are hungry for hardware. Again, there must be a small publications and work in other publications. People would like to publish? The use of on-line free www.isnare.com or a blog (which can be an excellent InstrDOCUMENTO home network).
4th Keep a Rolodex (R Outlook) and to keep organized. Ideally, not soloil name and address, but also some points of interest of the person or socompany.
5th Stay in touch with the people. The best way is to know what people are interested, then send your e-mail or individual articles of interest attached. To achieve this objective, without any intention of buying, but you know, more suitable for sale.
6. Become an expert: If you are an expert in all areas is easy to do. First select a theme that is inspired, and then an hour a day reading magazines, trade shows a year, etl'apprentissage qHIS problem. Within six to eight weeks, was close to an expert in this area and people to find solutions.
7th Be generous: people tend to link Geschenks opportunities. To be successful with gifts such as gifts for children - is that people are very grateful to have recalled a particular occasion.
8th Followed by: If you try to make a product to a customer, make sure that they have followed, so that a simple sale. Many times gensfournira informazioni on products and customers say they are back with them, but not, so that the posting of the sale.
9th To work around the area of work: I mean, why sit in a function with people you already know. It is not necessary, in a corner, where people meet new er them. This course ComKompetenz not introverted, but it is something that can be easily derived from the intensification of his comfort zone.
People tend to distinguish them from people whoknow. Awareness and to sell. This is an opportunity for small and large companies are struggling every day.