วันเสาร์ที่ 19 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Business Lead Generation - When Lincoln Suffers No Fools

Keep this old saying by Abraham Lincoln in mind the next time you think about generating business leads, "You can all the people some of the time ... you can even fool some stupid people all the time .. . but you can not fool all the people all the time. "

And that is exactly why ads claim that the offer, the "biggest" ... "best" ... and "strongest" ... simply fall on deaf ears. No one in the crazy world of today is wrong about everything.

Instead, it's like acrowded subway terminal, with trains and feeder all day long. Before you know it you are just screaming to hear from the person next to you. But then, everyone else is doing the same thing, you have to shout louder to say, "Good-bye" or "I'll be home at 9:30," ... or "Did you remember to call the dentist" and other things like this.

Big Bold general demands on deaf ears. They mean nothing to anyone, and they wreak of desperation and a falsepractically nothing. So your competition things they shout louder is the answer.

But it is only if your readers can not deny your candor - that is, if your advertising messages are beginning to take on meaning. If you are specific and talking to people who really know what you have to say, in terms of which are important to them - that is, if your potential customers to go sit in their chairs and start attention to you.

Someone tell you how special you are onlywork if someone your mother. Otherwise you are just throwing a pot you are in every single one of your competitors, which also has nothing to say that it makes sense or otherwise.

If you fool with someone, the "best" in your ads. But if you look to win to qualified potential customers to let them know what you have done and what you offer them - this way they will come to the conclusion that you're the best.

See, it draws the first statement can be the peopledeceive some of the time ... But the second is for buyers with cash.

What you want as customers, and what you want to responding to your company lead generation marketing pieces?

Now go sell something, Craig Garber


วันศุกร์ที่ 18 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Direct Mail Postcards - 3 Tips For Generating New Leads

If you plan to print cards for your next marketing campaign, you'll no doubt want to maximize their potential and as many as you can generate new leads. For may people, the new e-card advertising, it seems overly complex or time consuming, everything you need to know, but with just the basics you can get pretty far. Here are 3 tips to help you, effective direct mail postcards to print:

1) Be Professional
Designing andPrinting of your direct mail postcards home may seem like a viable option, especially for a small company with a small budget, but you can it just takes longer for a longer period than postcards will have less effect. If the cards do not generate new leads or answers, they will perhaps not yet been created. In fact, if the postcards look "low budget", that is, how the customers see your company. Just because you have a small budget does not mean it has toto look like it at all. Hire a design firm or freelancer your postcard design makes them much more effective, since they tend to attract a wider audience. Even with the postcards printed in color from a real print shop, they will see much more professional, and will find the way to improve your company's customers.

2 Be) Staff & Direct
If you take seriously the use of direct mail postcards to generate fresh new leads, you need to makethem personally. Postcards, as they try to hard to be on appeal appear to be rare indeed universal. If you have a mailing list, try the names of the recipients of the postcards, or at least something that belong on the lines of "Dear Homeowner" or so to give the potential customer address. Try also be bored, not your customers. Instead, keep the text on the postcard short and to the point. Sometimes a single line of text is called on the curiosity of the reader head and a series ofor Internet address for further information visit may be sufficient to ensure that people talking to your sales or browsing your online catalog.

3) Use your strongest selling point
You might think that potential customers want to know everything about your company, but if you can not be captured the imagination of the reader or curiosity in the first few seconds of them you look at your postcard, it will only end up in the trash. Before even beginning to the design phase, you shouldtake the time out to work, what exactly is your strongest selling point. Is it a new product exclusively for your company? Some wisdom can only give you? Whatever it is, find and use it in your direct mail postcards. If you have a specific theme for your postcards they will be more successful and the design and writing phases be that much easier. To offer what no one else can, is the single best way to attract attention to a customer.


วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 17 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Print Custom Postcards While Saving on Postcard Printing Costs

Pricing is a legitimate concern for retailers and consumers alike benefit. Except for the wealthy, we ordinary people are more cautious, as the rising cost of living adversely affect our finances.

With the rising cost, which includes printing custom postcards, it is doubly important for companies, such as a bed and breakfast, the user sends postcards to learn to save even more on the postcard printing costs. These postcards can show what the clients can enjoy while on the bed and breakfastand a variety of other activities available to them so the following tips to help owners keep costs down.

Some tips to save money on printing costs for Postcards Custom Postcards

1. Create your own designs to rent instead of creating someone to draft for you. Most online printers also offer programs that you will help you create your own postcard design. Use these utilities to save on costs from concept to production.

2. Make ato a uniform design that the majority of products is applicable. Minimizing species, like several designs will cost more. Many successful multinational companies have been known to use simple designs for their logos, as generate simple designs remember better than complicated designs. Simple designs are fewer colors are cheaper to print, especially if you order in bulk.

3. When deciding on a postcard size, select a standard size, making it suitable for most mailboxes. It is not the quantity of space, not to leavesome space for the address and stamp.

4. Choose the type of paper that is dealing with resistance, crumpled and the elements. If mailing is local, then your custom postcards will take a shorter period until the reception. In this situation, you can use a cheaper type of paper. Reserve order prints for those who continue to mailing locations.

5. Send your custom postcards by ordinary mail. Plan when you receive your customers, such as her. Mail your postcards a fewDays in advance in the buffer for possible delays in the mail. It is better to have received a postcard too early than too late, especially if it comes with a promo that has a limited time offer.


วันพุธที่ 16 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Free Sample Sales Letter: Example of How to Write a Persuasive Business Marketing Letter

Here is an example of a business-to-business sales letter to dealers by a firm that markets gift cards to replace paper gift certificates by mail. Everything in brackets [like this] is not listed in the letter but simply appears to describe the mechanics of writing

Author: Alan Sharpe

Audience: CEO of Auto Dealer

Mailer:] Sharpe Car Cards [a fictional company for the purposes of this sample letter

Purpose: GenerateDates for Sellers

[Mailing Envelope]

[Is 5 x 9 inches in dimension and has a window through which a portion of a greeting card with the name of the potential customer seems personalized. The cover has a teaser headline: "Inside: A win-win-lose record for your dealership.]


[Is 8 1 / 2 x 11 inch copy on both sides]

27. December 2007
Brad Carling, General Manager

Tri-City Chev-Olds

All 123Street

Anytown OH 12345-9163

[Here, under the name of the prospect of the letter is a sample auto-gift card with the name of potential customers personalized appropriate, and this headline: "As you are aware, this card can be successfully written all over it.]

Dear Mr. Carling:

Go ahead, pull this amazing little card from the paper.

It is made of plastic. It costs $ 2 to buy. But it's worth the price of a new car, sell your lot.
This card is worththe lifetime value of a loyal customer. In sales, service, parts, accessories and references. And goodwill. And free word-of-mouth advertising.

Keep it in your hand for a minute and think about your competition. Consider your revenue goals for the next quarter. Do you need to raise new and used car sales? Increase your parts & service department revenue? Multiply your accessories department revenue? Engage customers after their warranty has expired?

This map will help. Big time.It's become an integral part of the Sharpe car cards, a custom-branded loyalty and gift cards that generate revenue for your shop. But first, how it works.

Take a look at the front of your card. As you can see, you fit the card into your dealership's brand image and visual identity match. Now turn it over. See that a magnetic strip on the back? It stores information about the card and dollar value of each transaction.

It maps like this for all those whose activitiesYou win, and their loyalty, you must keep. Walk ins. Be Backs. Looky-Lous. Current clients. Even former clients. They all use the card to buy products and services to your dealership only.

They administer the program with a simple card reader connected to a PC in your dealership running our software. For an average car dealer, is the start-up costs for the purchase of the system and the operation for one year less than $ 2 per car sold this year.

This iswhat does the map. Here's what it does for you.

Please read the brochure I have included for the binding specificities. You use the cards Sharpe Auto Show:
1. Close More Sales by beating competitors Discounts

2. Increase your service department revenue and repeat business

3. Multiply your accessories department revenue

4. Bind customers years after the sale

5. They increase profits and your potential customersShowroom

6. Increase referral business

7. Increase in revenue over the back-end --

8. Promote brand awareness of your dealer

Sharpe Auto Cards system is up to five times cheaper than competing offerings. Plus, you pay no transaction fees and the need to purchase annual maintenance contracts. I call that a win-win-lose offer for you, your customers and competitors.

Use the card today, free coffee and donuts will getfour.

The gift card that you hold in your hand was pre-loaded with $ 10 worth of coffee and donuts. Get demonstrate firsthand how the card works, and invited me to your showroom for a free consultation on the Sharpe Auto Cards system. Give me your gift card, I'll swipe reader, your transaction and hand over your free coffee and donuts. As the gift card that you use these only one days at the place of business on the map will be redeemed, theis to say, Tri-City Chev-Olds.

When is a good time for us, together for coffee or chat one in their display? Call me at 123 456-7891 today to arrange an appointment.

[Signature in blue ink]
K Brad Phillips, Director, Sales

Sharpe Auto Cards


วันอาทิตย์ที่ 13 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Direct Mail - A Powerful Advertising Tool In Your Cash Gifting Program

Cash gifting postcard mailings can be the most cost-effective weapons in your advertising arsenal.

The best way to diversify to attract new prospects for your business opportunity, your concept in the contact with new prospects. This is true in any work at home, Cash Gifting, MLM, direct sales or internet way to advertise that you. Many people do not start a home based business on this simple truth and end the marketing of their businesses to captureOpportunity, in a manner over and over again. PHD is a psychologist Abraham Maslow (1908-1970), who wrote the Hierarchy of Needs once said: "If the only tool you have is a hammer, you tend to see every problem as a nail." Today, let's examine a tool that you have made a lot of work at home marketers not worry about the simple postcard.

The first rule of advertising is consistency. Webster's New World defines consistency as: "agreement with what is expressed already happened, or; Conformitywith past practice. "It really does not matter what kind of advertising you do, if it works for you, as long as it is in a consistent manner. Add a different form or type of advertising only increases your chance of getting into new perspectives.

A direct mail postcard is a great marketing tool that can be used very effectively for your cash gifting program. With the right mailing list of potential wealth builders, you do not need a marketing budget ofSize of the federal deficient. Some direct mail companies are also the names electronically to print and then mail the postcard for you at the same time. But this requires amount must be paid, but can save a good amount of time.

Four key elements to be considered for direct mail postcards:

Economy: Full color photo quality printing costs have been very sensible in the last few years and sending a postcard is a much lower cost thanMailing a normal size envelope. Currently, approximately a 35% difference and Porto seems to go up every couple of months. A postcard, no larger than a 4 X 6, is for 26 cents today, mail, and can hold a large amount of advertising, if properly applied. The difference in the cost of a standard business letter envelope can really ascend and a postcard when mailing thousands of advertising. Note that the print quality can greatly improve your responseRate.

Readability: What happens with the standard piece of commercial or "junk mail" that you get almost every day? It ends up in the trash before it is ever opened and read. A postcard on the other side, like a billboard can be easily read when it is visible. With the right message to attract the attention of new prospects and garner a little more respect than the average advertising, packaged in an envelope.

Measurability: A postcard mailing campaign canmeasure of effectiveness very easy to use. When you get to send two thousand postcards and received one hundred responses to your mailing you would then have a five percent response rate. Simple math right? You could also take it to the next level and track the number of prospects who join your work at home opportunity.
Multiple uses: Postcards can be used to announce a few things. For example, a new Web site, a sale, the extension of your cash gifting program, an invitation a seminar.You get the idea.

Adding postcard marketing to your advertising arsenal can generate an influx of new business models for new providers as well as the seasoned veterans alike. Remember this simple and often under-used marketing tool and you'll be on the way to creating new business opportunities and like to bring new perspective to your home based business opportunity.


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