วันเสาร์ที่ 18 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2552

7 basic principles of relationship marketing to attract customers and ensure that your stay in our lives!

 Most entrepreneurs do not have to attract and retain customers for life. What not to implement the basic principles of relationship marketing, that converts potential customers into regular customers.

 To be successful in your company, your main objective should be to provide a list of rispostae cNice for the duration of your target market who trust you, I would be gratefuland the value of your recommendation.

 A good relationship with loyal customers is worth a fortune. This is the most important assets of a company can have. The key here is building your life long list of customers who have confidence in you. Reaching this goal, and is appointed for life.

 For this reason it is necessary to learn the principles fondamentalirelazionale dmarketING rate applying the concepts of relationship marketing to your website.

What is relationship marketing?

 Relationship marketing is the method of gradually weblos to subscribers and visitors take the position of the position of a long program to convert into customers for life.

 Think of building relationships as the basis for your company. Founded as a professional, dignified and a source Conf.iance.

 7 Principles of marketing relationships.

 Construction Members reports on-line is more difficult compared to building relationships online. The basic techn are almost the same. However, the conversion of a potential customer is ino offline customers life easier due to the nature of the process. In online marketing, you can not satisfy their customers in person and online marketing. However, it is able to offer what vSJE oulez think your potential customers at every step as you build your opactiviteit. Relationship marketing is a process, not just once. And when you start to think about building a business and Satl as long as stay in.

 1 - Know your potential customers.

 EstrellasNo before you plant, you must determine the market and potential customers. Learn to read its customers to develop tactics to get the message to them.

 You can begin to know their customers with a simple procedure.

 - Determine in advance where they meet their potential customers.
 - What do the newsletter?
 - What to visit the forum and post?
 - What to do while surfing the internalet?

 The best places encontrarr outlook forums, discussion groups and forums.. Visit my forum llesrches your purpose and understand:

 - What is your potential customers' problem?
 - What are you looking for?
 - What activities are involved?
 - How do you plan to fix the problem?
 - Quahen the words used?

 Know your customer wants and needs, you can grow your business successfully and fully customized. With a view to adapting their marketing strategies and advertising and de taste aplicacióneal INTERESTS your market, you must first identify your customers.

 Relationships is not only based on where the visitors, but know their customers and prospects for specific needs.

 Note: To vanrre more users through a strong marketing and just use the word perspective. If you think your pain and the use of his words at the time of publication forums, messaging, etc ... to be connected with you. Can athem, are you not surprising that confidence is probably for you and your recommendation.

 2 - Show your expertise.

 Most business people, and never clear their knowledge to potential customers. Give your target market before you is the market leader in its field and to follow.

 People want to learn from their experiences. They want to follow in the footsteps of experts to prevent errors and successoès easily with less investment of time and money.

 3 - a dialogue toand confidence.

 A dialogue to establish mutual trust. Trust is an essential step in building long term relationships. This dialogue should begin as soon as your visitors to their information via e-mail. This explains their interest in your business. In return you give them what he had promised myself when periurbainesódicos and stay in touch by sending quality information to its subscribers.

 Her goal is to create long term relationships withthe sale of its subscribers. To do this, you must invest time to gather the sources inopleiding and of high quality and put it on the prospects for their willingness to help them succeed. Remember, maintaining the enthusiasm of the customers and creating customer loyalty is the key to success.

 4 - Control

 Dialogue leads to follow. Hook subscribers by monitoring messages in the series. Creating a series of messages for the fOLLOW-up to the quality of the information for each new subscriber. Professionalism is the key to the success of the relatieaan.

 The main objective of the supervision should be visible to users, if necessary, their position and want to purchase, the product you think the bigliettonne.

 If you want money bonnePas that its mission is not to sell its products. Continuing after the sale is a value. Follow-up with customer after the sale is madeIs a tactic. This important step to help your balance, the reduction of the refund and proclamasr baying a new customer and revenue.

 Track, do not stop and creativity. Send e-mail customers. From time to time send free proprodotti not useful elsewhere etncuentra that can help earn money and / or time savings. Send special offers to loyal customers with discounts. Stay updated with the latest news, etc ...

 5 - Offer good klantenservice.

 Some people start a business online and focus on the sale of services or productosque a lot of money. This is not a good relationship with their customers and potential customers.

 - Rerepondre their prospects for applications as soon as you receive.
 - Repeat for each e-mail within 24 hours with the appropriate response as a question, concern or just someone looking for more information.
 - Treat your customers right. Although the best supply of goods or services, Most customers of your company to assess how they are treated WHIele with you. For this reason it is important to ensure their customers and offer them the best product or service you want.

 Customer service for people who do business with customers who continue to buy their products or services.

 Note: If you want to book their customers in mind to be better. It is possible to do this information gathering feedback from its customers. They contact page on its website with uncomentarios form or retroalimentacition keep you informed about your customers needs and problems. If you have a newsletter, you can do this for feedback from their subscribers.

 It 'a great way to inform the public what they have to say and how they are important to you. Results of the interests of their clients that the crediteurenibilità and equity.

 6 - Inf.ormer subscribers.

 We offer the customer manuals, Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ), website, articles, etc ... to help them learn to use your product or service perfect. Training of users to help build interest and loyalty of your business.

 Life customers want to be your trusted advisor. The most educating its customers and offers a range of options, the better your chances of winning business. Education renforcé relationship marketing with customers.

 7 - to sell or to recommend quality products that det.

 Selln value quality products, and offer a warranty and support. One of the quickest ways for a business is the sale of products of low quality and not behind what they promise.

 If you want to promote other affiliate programs on your site, un po 'di tempo per cercares company difendendoen. Only the promotion of the products of legitimate companies with a strong presence on the Internet. Remember that this will have an impact on the reputation of your company.

  RELACIÓNip marketing is the cornerstone of any business. If these basic principles of relationship marketing, you are on the way to a response option on the list that will lead to a better and more sales.

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