If at First You Don't Succeed, Mail and Mail Your Postcard Again
On the surface this like a really stupid idea for a direct marketing plan, sound is mainly for one, that only a few results to invest in real estate, first produced. But before you condemn me for obvious stupidity, let me let me clarify.
You probably think that if your direct mail postcard campaign initially not working, you may have done some things wrong. And it's all together possible. Let's face it, no one maintains no errors for the first timearound.
But that doesn't mean you throw everything out. Direct marketing is a complex business. And while I wish I could call it a science like chemistry it isn't even close to that. If you put two molecules of hydrogen with one of oxygen, you'll come up with water H20 - every time. Without fail.
Nope. Direct marketing just isn't that precise. I suppose it's more of an art, or a craft - or some of the very best marketers work on their hunches. Which won't help you at everyone - especially if you are in the "start up" phase of your business.
But there is one thing that everyone knows the manufacturer, as surely as it's own name: a few buyers act white, (on an offer of nothing!) With the first mailing. Oh, you'll notice a few people who would act first in order to get to wait, but more often than not.
Waiting for what you ask. For any number of things. A person can receive your postcard, and just not "emotionally" ready to sell yet. Or he can in theProcess of taking a different route, so he waits to see how this transaction succeed.
Honestly, if he is not from you or your company ever heard, he can only carefully to your intentions, your honesty and the associated risk.
The point is: Do not assume the answer is not as a sign of your customers are not interested.
Of course there may be other reasons why your mailing as if you did not think it should be drawn. And this may very well be associated with your title in conjunction. . . yourMessage. . . or your own list.
Now that I completely confused you, you're asked what you should do. Mail again. Make a simple change in your mailing - maybe you've discovered, you can write a better headline. Then do it. And send it out again. Note the response you get with this headline.
And do not worry, this mail out to some of the same people. Many people might not buy the first time because they never heard of you. ButIf you consistently put your name in their mailbox, they will come to you to know how the real estate investor. And then - just because you know that sticking power that they can not - will call you when all of its ducks in a row and they believe that you can help them.
Remember, the direct marketing gives you the opportunity to offer your customers with the ultimate sales presentation. But you have to show them - again - that your real estate investing in it for theLong-haul flights. And that can mean mailing postcards - with modified message, if necessary - to her more than once.
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