วันอังคารที่ 3 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

NFL Marketing Misfire?

Toward the end of the year approaches, the NFL season starts, and it is a good time to look into the niche marketing potential of football and missed an opportunity from the NFL ...?

I remember when I first started in affiliate marketing, one of the first big successes I had, came with NFL Equipment. I found that people have in great numbers for certain products team, and it was possible to market to only the people, and them what they wanted.

ForSo I found a website selling replica helmets, which had an affiliate program.
I joined them and set up links to specific products, maybe a Dallas Cowboy helmet.
I then pay-per-click advertising, so that the display only for people who entered the "show Dallas Cowboys helmet" into Google.

This is classic niche product marketing, I do not even have my own website, and the model can be pursued today, as in many other niches.

What can I find a bit surprising, however, that inall these years, I have to do the following football from over here in Britain, I do not see that many changes in the jersey or helmet designs.

If you are looking at football in England, the teams have 3 different new T-shirts for each season, which is nothing more than the fans to purchase at an end.
Of course they do not even look out of date, the sales to justify it and so it happens in the next year and the next.

The fundamental traditions of the shirt will remain the same, but there are clearDifferences.

Why does not the NFL do this?
With a football shirt costs about $ 100, it's a lot of money for the clubs.

In the NFL, the difference is that the teams are a franchise of the NFL, and it's the NFL, that holds the rights.

That does not explain why not do the NFL.

Then one must also, of course, the helmets.
I guess it is a blatant disregard of the NFL, a decrease in the end zone.

I still get money from niches like NFL merchandise, but eachI see the shirts I'd like to see something new.

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