New Direct Marketing Concept Delivers Sales Results With 690% Profit
Achieving your goals requires similar basis to evaluate your profit potential. Before you start your direct marketing campaign to define the limits of what will be your total cost. You assume the entire cost of a refined list, postage, printing and handling. Following this divide the resulting figure into the value of the customer. This was to provide the answer is to have the number of sales needed to break even. It is not a closely guarded secret, that if you invest correctly in your direct-marketingExpenses outweigh revenues.
Here is an example of essential parts, which is a simple calculation. Please send your direct mail piece to 10,000 quality agents. For expenses, totaling $ 5,000 for her lists, printing, postage and handling. Their response rate is .0.08%. Significant only below average, and 80 leads to a follow-up. You are in a position to Treaty 20 agents, 10 of which provide revenue. These10 agents an average of 3,000 U.S. dollars in overrides. Each cable receiving costs $ 62.50,each contract was $ 250, and each manufacturer implements a $ 500 investment. The manufacturer is overridden is 3,000 U.S. dollars. Now, minus $ 500 in recruiting expenses, and it corresponds to each $ 2,500. That means producing $ 25,000 for a total of 10 active ingredients.
The direct marketing mail return on investment factor would be 500%. A $ 5.00 return on every $ 1.00 you spent. These numbers would make given the direct mailing campaigns better than thought.
TIP # 1 Easy LeapFrog your current direct mail return on --Investment. It's as simple as buying white underwear. Just add an 800 toll free phone # on your sales piece, which alone is often ups your answer 0.05%. Expressed in simple direct marketing, you increase your sales leads by 25 more.
TIP # 2 For additional steps you can find some hard blooded souls. After your direct mail comes, follow it with a personal phone call. The call is at the peak of interest in 3 to 10 days after your prospect receives your sales piece. Whether youit yourself, or hire an outside firm, recent studies show that a follow up call is a personal response rates by up to 2% when the actual view is achieved. When his call to the consumer, the Do Not Call list, fine be aware of. telemarketing in-house or by an outside firm should be calls for roughly $ 300 cost for 1000th are reached about 400, and listen to your offer. Of these, 8 means that an additional leads available for $ 300.
Now it is time to get all parts together to seetotal picture. Direct mail costs = $5,000, + $300 telemarketing expenses = a grand total expenditure of $5,300. Total leads = 113., of which 28 agents were contracted, with 14 producing overrides of $42,000. Net profit = $36,700 on a $5,300 investment. Therefore the direct mail return on investment factor would change to a 690%. Big mamma, you are riding high on the hog!
When examining direct market mailing, view the entire picture. If you want to realistically increase your earnings $ 100,000 $ 20,000 should you invest in mailing out to 40,000 agents. Or if the list is a step ahead of others, you could achieve the same results by mailing-20000 experienced agent twice.
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