Business Lead Generation - When Lincoln Suffers No Fools
Keep this old saying by Abraham Lincoln in mind the next time you think about generating business leads, "You can all the people some of the time ... you can even fool some stupid people all the time .. . but you can not fool all the people all the time. "
And that is exactly why ads claim that the offer, the "biggest" ... "best" ... and "strongest" ... simply fall on deaf ears. No one in the crazy world of today is wrong about everything.
Instead, it's like acrowded subway terminal, with trains and feeder all day long. Before you know it you are just screaming to hear from the person next to you. But then, everyone else is doing the same thing, you have to shout louder to say, "Good-bye" or "I'll be home at 9:30," ... or "Did you remember to call the dentist" and other things like this.
Big Bold general demands on deaf ears. They mean nothing to anyone, and they wreak of desperation and a falsepractically nothing. So your competition things they shout louder is the answer.
But it is only if your readers can not deny your candor - that is, if your advertising messages are beginning to take on meaning. If you are specific and talking to people who really know what you have to say, in terms of which are important to them - that is, if your potential customers to go sit in their chairs and start attention to you.
Someone tell you how special you are onlywork if someone your mother. Otherwise you are just throwing a pot you are in every single one of your competitors, which also has nothing to say that it makes sense or otherwise.
If you fool with someone, the "best" in your ads. But if you look to win to qualified potential customers to let them know what you have done and what you offer them - this way they will come to the conclusion that you're the best.
See, it draws the first statement can be the peopledeceive some of the time ... But the second is for buyers with cash.
What you want as customers, and what you want to responding to your company lead generation marketing pieces?
Now go sell something, Craig Garber
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