วันเสาร์ที่ 24 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Postcard Marketing Basics For Copywriters and Editors

Marketing is essential for writers and editors to win more customers and increase their visibility. A postcard is an inexpensive marketing tool that you can use for your advertising campaign. The great thing about postcards is that people read them. Therefore, the marketing of the e-card way to go if you want to sell your services to customers.

• The Big Idea: Determine the purpose of the marketing campaignGoal of efficient communication. Do you want to promote your text and editorial staff? Do you want to ask customers for referrals? Or you may be increasing again sending postcards to customers? Whatever your goal is to make sure that it is clearly stated on your postcards to evoke a positive response from your customers.

• Catchy Headline: Your card should be able to the reader's attention at the moment it comes out of his mailbox to catch. An eye-catchingHeadline awakens the reader's interest, and finally she pulls on clients will pay attention to your message when they see your title interesting and fascinating.

• Graphic Design: A good postcard design takes people to read your message, because it gives the impression of an interesting content. Note that the design and content go hand in hand, the content assist images to communicate messages effectively.

• Mailing List: Your mailing list shouldmatch your ideal customer, so you will not lose your marketing efforts. Send your messages directly to the right people to the success of your postcard marketing campaign guarantees.

Your editorial and advertising copy win pay benefits if you are able to reach your ideal clientele. Make sure to follow, and to measure the effectiveness of your marketing campaign to find out if it delivers positive results.

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